Friday, October 30, 2009


Today, I gave into emotion.
Today, Estaslamt to shahawate, and had a cup of fro' yo ;o [with lot'sa capn' crunch on top]
Today, I fell inlove with a dead guy. Mj you're an inspiration(May you rest in peace).
Today, I had followers. I leaded.
Today, My perspective is altered.
Today, I believe in myself.
Today, I've grown.

Thankyou Rollingstone  for this foto, x

Truly yours, x

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This week's happenings;

This week has been pretty eventful I guess? ;p It's also been hella HECTIC ;o getting ready for exam week;] and here's a few things I found interesting this week:

- The weather? Isn't it TO DIE FOR? It's finally raining [yaaay;o] I love this time of the year. Were it's finally the right time to wear those designer boots and what nots. also a qquestion for you guys: Favorite time of the year, && why? ;p

- I finally got the chance to watch "My Sister's Keeper", and I thought it was pretty good. Bs 9ij wayed ppl over exageratted the whole mushy scenes. 6ool ma I watched it I was thinking Okay, I might cry in the next part? Bs walla not a tear was shed. Even the men were crying!;o y7lailkum;] It ain't shameful to shed a tear or two. I guess im just heartless? ahah ;o

- What do you guys think of the whole "Hippie Band" Thing?  You know the one you put around your head?;p Well I think it's simply amazing. I'm one of those people who likes to have her insane hair on her face, but the whole band thing just gets it outa my eyes enough to see. With or against? Comments much appreciated :] x

Thankyou colorofmylife  for this foto, x

- Oh yes, and I'm lil wayne for halloween. Tell me a few original ideas you have for them halloween parties if you don't mind ;].

That's about it; Anything interesting happen during your week?

Truly yours, x

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finger lickin' good?

Okay so you've all been informed that Pinkberry's open in Kuwait now right? Can I just ask what the big 5abba is about ? ya3nee il line that waits for a cup of fro' yo' is incredible, scratch that, UNBELIEVABLE! I admit, 5abeit 3mry the frst weeek orso, but mostly cuz of those foreign hotties they made work there:], bs ya3nee it's really a normal thing don't you think? It's not "some slice of heaven on earth", Its's just.. flavered fro' yo'. For those who like the flavor, 3aleikum bl3afya (: I actually prefer the one in dubai; Yogurberry? Check it out (link Here ). Also got a bigger variety of flavors for my likings.

thankyou readysetdc  for this foto, x

Truly yours, x
-ps; Is anyone else finding the theme song catchily annoying?;p

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ke sera sera;

     You know when you have one of those moments in life? Where you just forget who you are anymore? When you're just a name brand copy of yourself. The one everybody else thinks should be "you". I mean what's a person to do, I guess? You get sucked into all these formalities, where if someone asks you to "tell them more about yourself" You find your self at a loss for words, because honestly you've forgotten. Well, people, don't let such an excuse as the world and its' formalities keep you from unleashing your unique self. Without an identitiy, an originality, a human is mearly a robot. We all gotta stick to our beliefs and quirks. Its what makes us special. Just because you're friends don't like the things you're into, doesn't mean you should give em up for your friendship. You're uniqueness is probably what makes them intrigued by you. In short, "lead, don't follow". You'll be much more satisfied in the end.

Thankyou memehuffer for this foto, x

Truly yours, x

Friday, October 16, 2009

World Without Strangers;

     Lil asaf, in the society we live in today, wayed fake people trying to change lives of others to being as miserable as theirs. The reason: Boredom? Madeness? It's unknown really. When you think you know someone, but they turn out to be the complete opposite of what you thought. A stranger almost! Shocker isn't it? I mean the whole two-faced, bitchy-assed behaviors have got to stop! Ya3nee shlon befeedich/k itha u go talk trash about hathee/hathaa? seriously, will it make your life any better? I believe not (:. You're just going to end up a selfish looser all alone for the rest of your life. B9araa7a, a friendship is dear. Trust in it, and inshalla it lasts a lifetime. Without friends that are there for our every joys and losses, what would we be? x

thankyou tracywburgos for this foto. x

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Writer's Block?

Ok, so I've been having troubles with coming up with stuff to write about. So I thought, Why not go out into K-town and look for some fresh inspiration, ay? Sadly, I didn't find much ;c But here's A Few things That I found interesting:

- Sequined harem pants; You know those pouffy pants most of the world is hibbing over? Sure, they're flatterng on some people, but don't you think its a bit overly exaggerated when its covered in sparkly sequins? Although I admire the girl's self confidence for wearing such a thing.
Speaking off; Don't you think the Cafe Blanc uniforms are just adorable?

- To all the single ladies; Put your hands up! hahaha. Beyonce finally 3nd il 3arab. On The 6th of November, A concert will be held on her behalf at Port Ghaleb, If anyone knows info on buying tickets please comment!

- La7ath't shay the other day. With the numerous numbers of new restaurants opened/opening, There never is anywhere to go! What should us people who don't wanna go out for food do? ;c Sure fe shaleihat, fe byuuut, malls, etc. Bs is that it? that sounds very routine doesn't it?

- The population of ajanib here is growing immensely! The other day at the Avenues, I was surprised by the fact that the ajaniiib kanoow tarseeen il gahaweee! ymkn cuz its been ages since I've gone there, bs has anyone else noticed such a thing?

- I've been craving a mc chicken drizzled in bbq (yes I'm the weird kinda person who likes adding french fries and bbq sauce into my sandwich (: and think it tastes yummy) for a while now, How long do you thing before I break my dieting ways and get one?

Thankyou bionicmalaysia for this foto. x

Truly yours, x

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Few Things To Think About.

- Do cartoons know they're alive? [secretly wishing I was wun]

- Can someone actually touch a cloud?

-What are "Hash browns" made of? (You get why I'm asking this right?;p) I myself am obsessed with those awkward edible things.

- Speaking of Colors, Why are people only black and white racist? What happened to all the other colors? I bet they're feeling left out;o

- Another daily random from Diaries of a "Fathya". ( i soo felt like writing that;o)

It's said that "There are no stupid questions, only stupid people". I refuse to believe that ;c. A curious person is merely a curious person. No questions is too stupid, ya naas. So ask away!
-Btw if you like this, every time I think of an enough number of questions I'll post them. your choice people :]

Thankyou for this foto. x

Truly yours, x

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


-Okay so this "them" post is a bit different than the first :

     Picture this, you and your so called lover are countries apart. I mean you [being the girl] love him to death, and is sure he loves you as much,too. bs here's the problem: You're parents have never heard of him, and the fact that you're in different countries, [never mind you the different believes] makes it extremely difficult for him to propose you're hand in marriage (although he would do so in a heartbeat).

     Also, mashalla il bnt jameelaa:* W.. let's just say, they're kinda like the beauty and the beast, but this beast will never turn into a prince charming. 9ij inna true beauty lies within the heart, but you know some families might be a bit judgemental, for the reason of "wanting the best" for their children. If you were them what would you do? Would you have the guy propose, and handle all consequences? or would you just end it then and there?

Thankyou for this foto. x

Truly yours, x

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Character of My Week;


Ever imagined a Bonny without Clyde? A tom without Jerry? A powerpuff girl without some crime to illuminate? A Batman without Robin? I know I haven't. Wanna know why? Because it just isn't done. You see, There's a whole lotta significance in these wingmen, or "sidekicks"; call them as you may. That's what makes this week's character equally as important as Spongebob. I mean, sure Spongebob is who the show is about, but our little misguided friend, Patrick, makes it that much funnier to watch. His little no minded ways are exactly what makes him so special. So kudos to you Patrick ;] You're the character of my week.

Thankyou  for this foto. x

Truly yours, x

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A day without it all.

     Imagine, on a day as normal as this, all your technological advantages were ... unavailable anymore. What would you do then? Do you think your life would be as "pleasant" as it was now? Imagine it.. Would we be lost without our many priveleges? Or would we be able to continue our lives like always. There would be no blogger, no phones, no internet, no nothing! Life would be hard work, wouldn't it? I just thought I'd write this post to be thankful for all the advantages we've gotten in our life, things our ancestors would've not even dreamed about having.

Thankyou  for this foto. x

Truly yours, x

Friday, October 2, 2009

A few bumps on the road. x

When you hear the word clumsy, what, or who's the first thing/person you think of? In my friends' case, its always me. I'm not proud of it really, bs I wanna explain 7altii likum; it might give you a laugh;p. See when I say clumsy, I don't just mean tripping down stairs, or stumbling in high heels. Its waay worse o.o I mean, it takes "real talent" to be as clumsy as me. Here are a few situations where I should have been really embarassed:

-Tripping up stairs while stumbling on my own feet and falling, resulting in a colorful drink being painted on my white shirt (did I mention, in public?).

- Falling into one of those mop-on-wheels (u know the ones right? they have a huge bucket filled with icky water? uber embarassment;o) While dancing [yeah, I'm really serious;c].

-Getting my cardigan stuck on the stair rails while going up (It had that spring effect and I ended up wheere I was in the beginning), and bumped into a stranger (sorry person ;D).

     So you see, 7altii keseefa. I mean I should try and be more careful, but I think its impossible. Just another day in the life of Phlash. Hope you enjoyed my mishaps.

Truly yours, x

-Ps; Thank you  for the foto. x