Monday, November 9, 2009

Character of My Week;

The Bomb Like Tick Tick;

     Lil wayne. He defines Awesometasticle! This man is truly one of the most amazing hip hop artists/ rappers I've ever heard of. I mean, apart from the fact that he's everywhere which makes him really hard to miss, his wording & the way he phrases things are just incredible! Also, he's started at a very young age. His lyrics really make me wanna listen for more. He's definitely made a name for himself. & since it's been a while since i've posted a character, I think this guy deserved it since he's what I'm always in the mood to listen to.
ps; 7aftha ta8reeban all his lyrics!;o I'm so proud of myself. :]

Thankyou zimbio  for this foto, x

Favorite lyrics;
"Bitch I'm the bomb like tick tick." 
"Trapped in a maze, therefore I am amazing."
"I turn you on like a handle, like the television on the weather channel."
"I'm so fly ya'll still at the terminal."
"I'm so fly I'm on autopilot."
- && many many more.

Truly yours, x


  1. and I am proud of you !!

    HE IS SUPER HOT, I just love him anything he touches turns into gold, he is a genius!!

    my favorite is "Safe sex is great sex
    better wear a latex
    cuz you dont want that late text
    that "I think I'm late" text"

    *sigh* I just love him!!

    I always tell my husband if he shows up and is interested I will leave my husband for lil wayne ;p

  2. love;** ; Thankyou! Finallly someone who understands! *sigh* he is the definition of sex. ooh yes that song itself is just amazing! & ta3jbeeny 3ala salfat ur husband;p. Thankyou for you're comment! 'Tis much apreciated. x

  3. Lol I just like his songs , he discusts me ;p !!
    LOOOL I would NOT do what love;* would do , I mean ... Lil wayne is *shivers down my spine*
    'nuff said;*
    Love u Phlash.

  4. 3abeer; Afaaaa ;o I guess everyone has a point of view;p. No matter how ugly you may think he is, b3ayniii ihwa ghazaaaaal haha;* Thanks for the comment hun. & I love you more 3abeeer! xx
