Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ke sera sera;

     You know when you have one of those moments in life? Where you just forget who you are anymore? When you're just a name brand copy of yourself. The one everybody else thinks should be "you". I mean what's a person to do, I guess? You get sucked into all these formalities, where if someone asks you to "tell them more about yourself" You find your self at a loss for words, because honestly you've forgotten. Well, people, don't let such an excuse as the world and its' formalities keep you from unleashing your unique self. Without an identitiy, an originality, a human is mearly a robot. We all gotta stick to our beliefs and quirks. Its what makes us special. Just because you're friends don't like the things you're into, doesn't mean you should give em up for your friendship. You're uniqueness is probably what makes them intrigued by you. In short, "lead, don't follow". You'll be much more satisfied in the end.

Thankyou memehuffer for this foto, x

Truly yours, x

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